Sunday, January 30, 2011

Excel Functions - Part 1

AppName : Excel/Google Spreadsheet/Calc
AppType  : Document divided in sheet for graphical and data computing

Well, everyone should have worked with Excel or similar programs. That neat software that let you write on cells and prepare graphs depending on what you have write on.

But let me assure you that Excel is more than that! In today post I will only highlight 2 major functions of Excel: Conditional Formatting and Counting items that meet a criteria.

Conditional Formatting
Basically whats this is, is to able to format a cell ( change font, background color etc..) if a certain criteria is met. This is helpful when you want to highlight items so they can be seen more easier. For example, the following is a list in which I wish to see more clearly those numbers who are between the number 6 and number 12.

You have to observe very carefully to be able to detect them. I mean, it is not that easy, but Excel have some neat stuff that help you in this process. Select the first cell, go to format and select Conditional Formatting.

You will see a window similar to the one above. Choose the between item and write 6 in the first square and 12 in the second. In the format section, go to patterns, and select a color of your choice. Press OK in both window. Now, using the copy format brush, 

select the first cell, then select all other cells. You will now see with the background of the color you choose, all numbers who are between 6 and 12!!.

Counting Items
Now, lets say we want to know the total numbers who are greater than 10. Select the first cell, the click on the function icon 
look for the 'IF' method. Basically we want to ask the cell if the number is > 10, output a 1, then later we do a SUM to add all those 1s and verify the total of them. In the cell write the following: 


 Now, using the copy format brush, 

select the first cell, then select all other cells. All adjacents cells that values are greater than 10 will have now a 1 written. Now, in the last cell write:

And the value presented will be the one of the sum of all, hereby, the counter.

Excel has many many functions, which I will be highlighting them in more mini sections. Just wanted to write something since there has been some time that I havent blog at all.

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